
by Windsails



Professional divination software using Meihuayishu and Liu Yao principle

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CalcYi (易爻) 易經中的數學。是一款根據梅花易數的和六爻原理進行占卜的軟體。免費廣告版本會有廣告並且部分功能的隨機屏蔽。全部功能基本與實用收費版本一致。主要功能:1.採用梅花易數中數位起卦的方式,採用的是兩個數位起卦方式;2.結合占卜的時間,排列出本卦,互卦和變卦各個卦象;3.根據各個卦象之間的五行關係列出吉凶;4.排列出起卦時間對應的五行四柱,給占卜更多參考資訊;5.支持app2sd;6.支援9種數字起卦方法;7.增加六爻起卦和六爻分析盤;8.增加六爻缺省起卦設置;9.增加基礎說明;10.增加卦象和參考評論;11.增加保存和維護起卦歷史資料;12.增加反吟,伏吟的判断提示;13. 增加Pad上自適應,盤面字體自動放大; 14. 增加農曆輸入法的支援版面和對應的偏好設置;15. 六爻在選擇後,旁邊顯示對應的標誌;16. 取消每次顯示升級提示,升級提示改在基礎說明中;17.增加偏好設置,控制變卦中只顯示動爻五行六親還是顯示所有五行六親;18.增加截圖功能;19.增加時間起卦;20.支持簡體/繁體;21.提供各爻與動/變/伏/日/月等互動提示;22.支持自定組合卦象起卦;23.支持常用神煞提示;CalcYi (易 爻) Mathematics in the Book of Changes. It is a software for divination based on the principle of plum blossom counting and the principle of six lines.The free advertising version will have advertisements and random blocking of some functions. All functions are basically the same as the practical paid version.The main function:1. Adopt the way of digital hesitation in the plum blossom to count, and adopt the method of two digital hesitation;2. According to the time of divination, arrange the hexagrams of the hexagram, the hexagram and the hexagram;3. According to the five-element relationship between various hexagrams, list the good and bad;4. Arrange the five lines and four columns corresponding to the time of the hexagram to give more information for divination;5. Support app2sd;6. Support 9 digital hexagram methods;7. Add Liu Yao hexagram and Liu Yao analysis disk;8. Increase the default setting of Liu Yao;9. Add basic instructions;10. Add hexagram images and reference comments;11. Increase the preservation and maintenance of the historical data of the trigrams;12. Increase the judgment prompts of anti-chanting and chanting;13. Add self-adaptation on Pad, automatically enlarge the font on the disk;14. Increase the lunar calendar input method support page and corresponding preference settings;15. After the selection, the corresponding mark is displayed next to it;16. Cancel the display of the upgrade prompt every time, the upgrade prompt is changed in the basic description;17. Increase the preference setting to control whether to display only the moving five elements and six relatives in the hexagram;18. Add screenshot function;19. Increase time to gossip;20. Support Simplified / Traditional Chinese;21. Provide interactive reminders for each line and dynamic / variable / volt / day / month;22. Support self-defined combination of hexagrams and hexagrams;23. Support commonly used reminders;1. 增加卦身的內容。2. 增加常用日/月/年神煞提示並增加說明內容。3. 增加自定組合卦象的起卦方法。4. 可開關控制是否判斷保存時候檢查起卦時間和方法不能相同。5. 支持兩種12長生排法及提示信息。6. 增加各爻與動/變/伏/日/月等關系的提示信息。7. 增加簡體/繁體切換支持。8. 增加包括“六親發動訣”等多個經典摘錄內容。9. 增加合局等提示內容。10.增加六獸與六親組合等提示內容。11.增加可直接跳到“六爻”頁面的開關設置。12.增加開關控制顯示五行顏色。

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Bobby Chow


Sami Sami

Best so far !

Flare STX


Fergus Archer


J. Wong


Ken Yip


Johnny Chan

The only draw back of this app is too many ads. I want a paid version that has no ads at all. The ads are so annoying.

William Lui

good app

Eric Chan

Simple and convenient

Hongming Zhang